Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Not a big deal!

I find Michelle Obama to be a strong, smart, and independent woman. I don’t think that out of one comment that she could be un-American. I think it is great that she supports her husband. And because of one statement she is being criticized of being an ungrateful American citizen. I think Michelle Malkin is being a little too harsh on Michelle Obama. She thinks that Mrs. Obama is not proud of her own country because of a statement she gave in her speech in Milwaukee. Mrs. Obama remarked, “For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for a change”. I would have to agree with Barack Obama when he says, “Statements like this are made and people try to take it out of context and make a great big deal out of it, and that isn’t at all what she meant”. I do agree that his wife’s statement was blown out of proportion. I am almost sure that there has been another time when she was proud of her own country. People find small things to make bigger than they really are and judge others for it. Mrs. Obama is a very well educated woman and I am almost positive she is aware of the greatness our country has. So I feel that her wording wasn't a mistake just that she did not intend for people to take it that way. Really, it’s not that big a deal.

Michelle Obama’s America–and mine
By Michelle Malkin • February 20, 2008 08:04 AM

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Georgia loses major water fight.

This was a major court loss for Georgia. Their plan was to withdraw more water from an Atlanta-area reservoir. Under a pact with the Army Corps of Engineers Georgia was allowed to raise their supply from 13.9 to 22.9 for water storage. The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit Said due to not getting congressional approval first, the agreement was void. Most of Northern Georgia already uses about a quarter of the water. For years now Florida and Alabama have had negotiations with Georgia over the right to use more water from Lake Lanier. Atlanta has continuously argued that Georgia has poor water planning. Georgia could appeal the ruling to the United States Supreme Court and come with a better fight. Governor Sonny Perdue is scheduled to sign into law Georgia’s first comprehensive water management plan. Environmental groups have already criticized Georgia’s future plan and suspect problems for millions of people if a drought happens to occur. Dirk Kempthorne, the interior secretary, has pledged to reach an agreement by Feb. 15. I find this article important for others to read because it has to do with the environment. Water plays a very important roll in everyone’s lives and the decision made in this case can affect lots of people.

Georgia Loses Federal Case in a Dispute About Water
Georgia%20Loses%20Federal%20Case%20in%20a%20Dispute%20About%20Water&oref=slogin'>BRENDA GOODMAN
Published: February 6, 2008